telehealth platforms

Reintroduction of the Post-COVID-19 Telehealth Bill

After failing to make it through Congress in the last year, The Protecting Access to Post-COVID-19 Telehealth Act is being re-introduced. The lawmakers should see enough value in telehealth for making it a priority this year. The new administration has taken on in Washington and some lawmakers are trying to re-emphasize the passing of long-term telehealth legislation.

Telehealth survey reveals there are more users for behavioral health than physical care

A new study coordinated by researchers at RAND published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine shows a sharp hike in the usage of telehealth during the height of the coronavirus pandemic. This rise was driven more by people reaching out for mental health services than for physical ailments.

Counselling clinics learn to adjust to telehealth

Many counseling centers had to quickly transition to telehealth this past year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Some found it easier to adjust to this change, but most of them learned invaluable lessons in delivering virtual care.

New Bill driving expansion of telehealth options for MAT, Substance Abuse Programs

A new bill presented to the Congress looks at permanently allowing healthcare providers to use telehealth in medication-assisted treatment (MAT) programs for the purpose of substance abuse and extend Medicare coverage for audio-only phone calls.

CMS aims at permanently expanding telehealth services

The Trump administration chose to add more than 60 telehealth services that will be reimbursable during the public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes to telehealth coverage will be permitted permanently in rural areas.