covid19 cases

21% of COVID-19 discharged patients dead, or readmitted after 60 days

The death rate or re-hospitalization in the 60 days that follows hospital discharge due to coronavirus exceeds 21% among patients that were admitted in the early months of the pandemic according to a new study. This study was conducted by a team of US-based investigators and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Research reveals, wearing a neck gaiter can be worse than not using a mask at all

As novel coronavirus cases rise each day, public health experts and doctors repeatedly convey a message: wearing masks saves lives. Robert R. Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in July that cloth face coverings are one of the most effective weapons that can slow down and stop the spread of the virus- especially when used universally in a community setting.

More than 97,000 children tested positive for COVID-19 in last two weeks of July, report says

A report published by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children's Hospital Association reveals how easily children can get infected by coronavirus. Inspite of this report thousands of students have started returning to classrooms this week.