COVID-19 diagnostic

21% of COVID-19 discharged patients dead, or readmitted after 60 days

The death rate or re-hospitalization in the 60 days that follows hospital discharge due to coronavirus exceeds 21% among patients that were admitted in the early months of the pandemic according to a new study. This study was conducted by a team of US-based investigators and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Coronavirus vaccines will be released by end of the year, notes CDC

An optimistic forecast was posted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about coronavirus vaccines on Wednesday with a promise of some vaccines by the end of the year. CDC said on a new page posted to its coronavirus website that at first there could be a limited supply, but it would increase after weeks and months of the initial release.

Study reveals, dining out, going to pubs linked to contracting coronavirus

There is an association of close contact with COVID-19 patients, dining at restaurants and pubs, with testing positive for the novel coronavirus infection, reveals a study of outpatients from 11 US health care facilities.

More than 97,000 children tested positive for COVID-19 in last two weeks of July, report says

A report published by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children's Hospital Association reveals how easily children can get infected by coronavirus. Inspite of this report thousands of students have started returning to classrooms this week.

FDA has authorized its first COVID-19 test for screening people without symptoms

The FDA has authorized its first COVID-19 diagnostic for the purpose of broad-based screening. This would include people who haven’t shown any symptoms and those who don’t suspect having come in contact with someone suffering from COVID-19.