ON MEN launches COVID 19 Telehealth screenings for Toronto Community

Healthcare professionals, doctors and people concerned with healthcare are working round the clock battling the life-threatening virus COVID-19. ON MEN extends help to the Toronto community and assist the healthcare professionals who are overworked.


ON MEN is offering free COVID-19 online assessments and telehealth connections for Ontario.

ON MEN has launched a COVID-19 program to leverage their telehealth platform to help the Toronto community by offering Free COVID-19 screening assessments via telehealth.

The ON MEN telehealth offering allows a patient to take a quick COVID-19 screening questionnaire, get feedback on their risks, and then connect with an ON MEN affiliated doctor.

ON MEN has pledged to provide FREE online COVID-19 assessments to 1,000 Ontario residents that may have been affected by coronavirus symptoms, or have had the risk of exposure.

ON MEN’s goal is to provide support patients need, and reduce the strain on our healthcare system.

How does it work?

Patients can speak to ON MEN affiliated Canadian licensed Doctors or Nurse Practitioners over the phone or secure video to discuss your medical condition and seek guidance. Minimize COVID-19 exposure by seeking consultation virtually from home, avoid long wait times, and lessen the burden on the healthcare system.


Andy Guffey, Lifecycle Health founder, said “ON MEN reaching out to the Toronto area and Ontario community is fantastic in this critical time of need. I think it’s great when our customers reach out to help their communities, and it’s makes us proud to power the ON MEN service with Lifecycle Health telehealth capabilities.”