
Industry voices - 2020 should be about investing in mental health as health

As we look at the progress we have made in health care we also need to advance parity in mental health.

David Wennberg, M.D., CEO of Quartet Health shares what we can expect to see in 2020:

HHS released a proposed rule allowing to import drugs from Canada to lower prices for consumers

The Department of Health and Human Services has proposed a rule to lower the prices of drugs for consumers by allowing pharmaceutical manufacturers to import certain prescription drugs from Canada.

The Gravity Project, a social determinants of health programs joins HL7 FHIR Accelerator Program

The Gravity Project, a social determinants of health and wellbeing program, is being rolled into the HL7 FHIR Accelerator Program.

Osteoporosis drugs may lower mortality rates

Osteoporosis is an age-related condition and it makes bones frailer and more prone to fractures. This condition is more common among women but it affects men too.

Sussex program aims at reducing hospital readmissions for COPD patients

The state of Delaware, Sussex County and its EMS paramedic program, and Beebe Healthcare are aiming to launch a pilot program in which paramedics will make house calls so that hospital readmissions can be reduced & enhance quality of life among COPD patients.