
Telemedicine benefits for stroke patients

Patients reaching the hospitals with symptoms suggestive of a stroke require quick expert assessment and treatment to put a halt to brain damage, which could save their lives. Yet most hospitals don’t have round-the-clock stroke care teams.

Policy changes facilitating access to virtual care should remain permanent

Telehealth regulations have been relaxed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, triggering interest and support for virtual care owing to its benefits like convenience and safety.

Another less spoken advantage of telemedicine is the availability of specialists for patients especially suffering from chronic diseases like cancer.

CMS plans expanded coverage for innovative telemedicine devices

Federal officials plan to propose an expansion of Medicare coverage for new telemedicine and mHealth technologies that are classified as “breakthrough devices.” The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has issued a proposed rule aiming at cutting short the lengthy review process for cutting-edge devices.

The era of virtual care has arrived & telehealth is spreading the change

Life has turned upside down in the past few months. With the outbreak of COVID-19, many things have changed including the position of telehealth in healthcare delivery. CMS restricted Medicare reimbursement to telehealth services that met one of the below three criteria:

American views on healthcare have transformed due to COVID-19

The perception of US citizens about healthcare has altered due to the COVID-19 pandemic according to a survey conducted by