Chronic pain stated as the main reason for using medical Marijuana

Chronic pain is the most common reason people mention while enrolling in state-approved medical marijuana programs. The other reasons are stiffness from multiple sclerosis and chemotherapy-related nausea, according to an analysis of 15 states published in the journal Health Affairs.

The study didn’t measure or mention whether marijuana actually helped anyone with their health issues. But the patients’ reasons match up with what is known about the science of marijuana and its chemical components.

Lead author Kevin Boehnke of University of Michigan in Ann Arbor said that most of the patients for whom the data is available are using cannabis for reasons where the science is the strongest. California became the first state to permit medical use of marijuana in 1996.

Infact, more that 30 states now allow marijuana for dozens of health issues. The list of allowable conditions varies for different states. But in general, a doctor must certify a patient has an approved diagnosis.

It is also believed that substance abuse engagement solutions are extremely useful in treating addiction.
