Walgreens stores sold tobacco products to minors, FDA says

The FDA is putting Walgreens “on notice” for allegedly selling tobacco products to minors at 1,397 of its stores. FDA is already working to stop some Walgreens locations from selling tobacco products to minors for 30 days as a result of repeat violations.

Among pharmacies Walgreens happens to be the top violator that sells tobacco products, according to FDA. Around 22 percent of the 6,350 stores it inspected caught employees illegally selling tobacco products to minors. Including repeat offenses, in total, Walgreens had 1,800 violations for selling products to minors.

FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD said that he will be writing to the corporate management of Walgreens and requesting a meeting with them. He plans to discuss whether there is a corporatewide issue related to their stores’ noncompliance. Gottlieb will put them on notice that the FDA is considering additional enforcement avenues to address the issue of selling tobacco to youth.

Walgreens mentioned that it takes the matter “very seriously” and has introduced a number of steps to address the agency’s concerns.  

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