
How to prepare for Telehealth appointments

Telehealth care is a collaborative effort between healthcare professionals and patients. Deriving the best out of each virtual consultation is not only the responsibility of doctors. Patients also have to make a conscious effort and be aware of what they wish to achieve from the visit. So, plan ahead and do it so well that you make the most of your virtual consultations.

Is telehealth plan suitable for me?

Telehealth solutions gives easy access to medical professionals with no waiting time before seeing a doctor and the costs for consulting are lower as compared to in-person visit. With the government and the healthcare industry interested in expanding and strengthening the telehealth services.

Benefits of Telehealth to patients and healthcare professionals

COVID-19 has made it imperative to relax the restrictions on the use of telehealth services. State officials are working towards facilitating the process of reaching out to underserved population through telehealth. Irrespective of whether its primary care or specialist, telehealth helps to reach out to more people who don’t have access to healthcare.

How to Get Reimbursed for Telehealth?

How to Get Reimbursed for Telehealth?

Telemedicine is one of the most trending topics in healthcare, as more and more consumers embrace this patient-provider communication technology and are willing to consult doctors remotely .

5 Things You Should Know When Billing Telehealth and Telemedicine Services

5 Things You Should Know When Billing Telehealth and Telemedicine Services

Telemedicine technology uses patient engagement software for specialist consultations, follow-up visits, medication management and many other clinical services.

Growing Significance Of Value-Based Care Programs For The Purchasers

Growing Significance Of Value-Based Care Programs For The Purchasers

Over the years value-based care purchasers have become more alert and are demanding a look into every billing footed by the insurance company or the healthcare institutions.

Telehealth Video Visits: 6 Ways to Be More Effective

Telehealth Video Visits: 6 Ways to Be More Effective

With the Lifecycle Health, you can quickly have a telehealth video platform for performing effective patient video visits, and also for collaborating with other providers.