Health and Fitness

How to Plan a Healthy Senior Diet: Key Nutrients and Budget-Friendly Tips

How to Plan a Healthy Senior Diet: Key Nutrients and Budget-Friendly Tips

Your skin and joints aren’t the only things getting older. As you age, your digestive system undergoes changes as well. As a result, it becomes less effective at absorbing the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy.

How Health Care Professionals Can Sleep Better Despite Shift Work?

How Health Care Professionals Can Sleep Better Despite Shift Work?

Shift work is common in the health care professions, but that doesn’t make it healthy. Working nights is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes….

3 Tips You Need to Fight Obesity by Focusing on Wellness Activities

3 Tips You Need to Fight Obesity by Focusing on Wellness Activities

If you struggle with your weight, you know that it is a seemingly impossible battle. Fad diets, conflicting information from experts, busy schedules, and waning motivation are just a few of the hurdles standing in your path to losing weight.

4 Ideas for Sustainably Improving Your Overall Wellness This Year

4 Ideas for Sustainably Improving Your Overall Wellness This Year

If you want to be happier and healthier in 2018, start by setting small and achievable milestones you can conquer each and every day. By starting small, you are making your wellness journey more sustainable and easier to keep up with. The little things will add up and improve your life holistically.