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4 Ideas for Sustainably Improving Your Overall Wellness This Year

How to Have a Positive, Wellness-Boosting 2018

There’s something very special about the beginning of a new year. It may just be another page on the calendar, but when January rolls around, it feels like it’s time to finally roll up your sleeves and commit to making the coming year the best one yet. All you have to do is make that first step toward improving your overall wellness.

If you want to be happier and healthier in 2018, start by setting small and achievable milestones you can conquer each and every day. By starting small, you are making your wellness journey more sustainable and easier to keep up with. The little things will add up and improve your life holistically. Once you are in a rhythm with some great new habits, you can start thinking outside the box and making larger, more adventurous changes so you can live the life you always wanted.

Here are some of our favourite ideas we know you can stick with to improve your overall wellness in 2018.

Idea #1: Drink More Water

This is a really simple change. Drinking more water is good for your mind and body. It’s also one of the easiest life changes you can make because you are not depriving yourself of anything—It’s all about getting more! If you don’t like the taste of plain water, try making a delicious flavored water recipe that adds vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to your hydration.

Idea #2: Walk More

We live in an incredibly sedentary society. Walking when you get a chance is a great way to keep your body active and reap the benefits of exercise. Instead of just letting the dog out in the backyard, take him for a stroll around the neighborhood. Park at the other end of the lot at the grocery store and get a few extra hundred steps in there and back. Try to take the stairs instead of an elevator. If you’d like more ideas, check out this list full of ways you can get your daily 10,000 steps in.

Idea #3: Quit Comparing Your Life to Other People

Most of the time, we only feel dissatisfied with our lives when we see another person who has something we think we want. Comparing yourself to others sabotages your happiness. Unfortunately, the popularity of social media makes it easier than ever to see a snapshot of someone else’s life that is seemingly better than yours. Instead of envying somebody else’s blessings, work on focusing on your own. When you concentrate on being happy with what you have, there isn’t time to mourn what you do not.

Wild Card Idea #4: Learn to Play an Instrument

If you are getting in the swing of the small changes you’ve made for wellness in 2018, don’t hesitate to try something a little more out there. For instance, learning how to play an instrument is a great way to boost your confidence, flex your creativity, and fill your home with music. You can find lessons through a private tutor or find instructionals online. If you are picking up a new instrument, be sure you’re getting one that is appropriate for your level. For instance, if you want to play the saxophone, look for an alto or soprano student instrument that you can use to learn the fundamentals. And before buying your instrument, make sure to consult a saxophone buying guide. You can sell your instrument and upgrade to something more sophisticated in time.

If you want a happier and healthier life in the new year, start small. Little things like drinking more water, walking more, and not comparing yourself to others will make you feel better both physically and mentally. Once you are comfortable with small changes, you can add on more positive habits and experiences that make you happy. Lifecycle Health is a revolutionary thought that was introduced to ensure that people get better value-based care. To take advantage of this leading value-based care technology visit