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Trump signs new American Artificial Intelligence Initiative

President Donald Trump signed the new American AI Initiative, which calls for the federal government to give more importance to research and development for machine learning in healthcare and elsewhere. This initiative recognizes that the country needs to keep pace with the global push for AI innovation.

This executive order indicates that the government has to promote technical education and apprenticeships. According to the White House announcement it also has to boost STEM and computer science in schools and universities – especially for women and girls.

Other provisions of the project are:

  1. Increasing access to federal data and other computational resources for AI researchers.

  2. Encouraging regulatory agencies to set guidance for AI development and use in various sectors of the economy, including healthcare.

  3. Directing NIST to develop more technical and safety standards for AI systems and

  4. Promoting a responsible approach to AI by encouraging transformative applications of the technology.

The White House said it urgently needs workers and businesses skilled in AI capable of leading our country’s development and application of AI into the future.

This policy comes at a time when technologies like telehealth software and remote health monitoring system are getting popular.


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