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Using telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic

There is a pressure on healthcare professionals to deliver care during the pandemic, along with treating chronic cases. Now they have to get people treated for COVID-19 as well.

The supplies are limited and doctors have to prioritize patients according to the severity of the cases. In these tough times doctors need a strong process in place to battle this unprecedented situation.

Patients have to decipher when they need to get tested for COVID-19? When they should visit the hospital? If patients understand these aspects, educate themselves, the burden on the healthcare professionals will reduce and they will be able to reach out to more patients.

Telehealth platforms have created a support system for healthcare professionals to reach out to more patients. At the same time the patients are not hassled about being exposed to the virus as they don’t need to visit the hospital.

So, patients should have a proactive approach towards their health and be extremely aware as to not over-burden the healthcare system in our country.

Healthcare providers are warding off people from traveling to the hospitals, physician or urgent care facility unless its necessary, since the coronavirus gets transmitted from person to person. In case of mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19 or any other illness, patients can avail to telehealth services.

 You can use telehealth in the following situations:

  • When coronavirus symptoms are evident and you need testing. Many healthcare providers offer telehealth as an options for COVID-19 screening.

  • In case you need treatment for symptoms for any other health issue or a follow-up care for an existing health issue.

  • When you require treatment for mental health issue or substance use challenge or you are going through any emotional crisis or stress.

Also, let’s start becoming self-aware and proactive towards our health:

How will I know when to test for COVID-19?

People who experience COVID-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19 or live in a place where the virus has spread, need to immediately contact a healthcare professional to discuss if testing is required.

This can be done via telehealth platform as per the healthcare professional’s advice.

If someone is mildly ill, they should be able to isolate and care for themselves at home.

Healthcare workers, elders or anyone with prior chronic condition are at a greater risk of getting infected by the virus so need to be tested. If you are seriously ill, have breathing issues, persistent chest pain or pressure then immediately seek medical care.


When should I seek emergency care instead of online consulting?

If you have breathing issues, fever with severe cough, exhaustion or any other medical emergency then seek emergency care.

When do I consult a doctor via telehealth?

Seek medical care via telehealth for coronavirus if you have persistent fever and cough or if you aren’t well and have trouble breathing. Healthcare workers with heart or lung issue or those having weak immune system need care. If you are not a healthcare worker but have these symptoms, or have a weak immune system you still need medical care within few days if not immediately.

What if my family member has been tested for COVID-19? What precautions should we take?

Use face mask: If you are caring for a family member who has COVID-19 then wear a mask when you are in the same room.

Washing your hands: Wash hands carefully for at least 20 seconds.

Keep your sick family members away from others: Let the sick person be away from others and let him/her use a separate bathroom. Eating in a separate room is advisable.

Cleaning the room: Regularly clean things that come in contact with the sick person.

Wear disposable gloves while cleaning the sick person’s dishes, utensils, laundry and thrash.

Its better to use disinfectants while cleaning your home. Some cleaning products are good to kill bacteria but not the virus. So, check the labels.

If I’m home quarantined when should I discontinue it?

Before coming out of self-isolation ensure that it has been atleast seven days since the first symptoms have appeared. Along with this at least three days must have been passed without symptoms.

Look for these symptoms when a person has recovered- resolution of fever without medication for fever reduction like acetaminophen / Tylenol and improved respiratory symptoms like shortness of breath or cough.

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